A ministry of Joy Church for ages 18-35

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by. If you're like us, you're looking to build new friendships, grow in your relationship with God, and make the most of the life God has given you! Joy YA's is a place where you can build those friendships and thrive.


If you are 18-35, get connected with the young adults ministry right here!

Joy Groups

Joy Groups are the heart of Joy Church. When we come together in community we grow together in Christ! Whether we meet in a home or a coffee shop, we center groups around authentic relationship, scripture and prayer.


Check groups out below and request to join! You'll hear back from the group leader with more details.


Gatherings are the perfect place to meet new people and feed your relationship with God through worship, teaching and discussion. Gatherings typically happen every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the Joy Church lobby. Any changes to the schedule are announced via text and email to those signed up for the YA group above. 


Doors open at 7pm with light snacks, drinks, great people, and games! Then we'll have worship, a teaching, and break up into smaller groups for discussion.

Life Together

Outside of Groups and Gatherings, you'll find us meeting up just for the joy of being together. Find us going to coffee, playing pickleball, and going on spontanious adventures all year!


We use an app called Band to share what's going on outside of scheduled events. When you join the YA's group we'll send you an invite to join Band! 


Mark your calendars & don't forget to check out Joy Groups that happen throughout the month!


・ Feb 9 - Super Bowl Party, 3:30 at the Gittins' house.

・ Feb 11 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church

・ Feb 14 - Galentines, 6:30pm at a home - email to RSVP and for address! 

・ Feb 25 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church


・ Mar 11 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church

・ Mar 25 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church


・ Apr 8 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church

・ Apr 22 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church


・ May 6 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church

・ May 20 - Gathering, 7pm at Joy Church


Browse groups and get signed up!


This group meets every Monday from 7-8:30pm at the Market of Choice Cafe off Willakenzie.


Study the word together one book at a time!


This group meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday

from 6:30-8pm near Cal Young.


Ladies, join us for fun, fellowship and discussion!


This group meets every 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 6:30-8pm near River Rd.


We have dinner, fellowship and a sermon discussion. Looking forward to meeting you!


This group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 6:30-8pm at various locations.


Green Flags and Tea is a group of women gathering to grow positive God-focused mindsets over tea. 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.

Other Joy Groups

There are a lot of amazing Joy Groups at Joy Church, and if you're a YA but these don't work, make sure to find a group that does! There's a wide array of options including groups for hiking, watching The Chosen, outreach, men, women & more!


This is what a year together looks like...

It's clear, God has called us to thrive as we pursue him in community. Joy YA's meet regularly in Joy Groups with good food and discussion. Below is a review of 2023, where we had a blast playing volleyball, singing around the fire, going to the pumpkin patch, rodeo, lake, friendsgiving, and meeting at coffee shops to read scripture. We also hosted our very first young adults worship night with people from different churches gathering to worship and pray together. Jump on board for 2024!